Pachyderm Acoustic Empowers Architects to Use a New Building Material – Sound!

Our Senior Consultant Arthur van der Harten has been developing an open source collaborative tool for acoustics simulation called Pachyderm Acoustic Simulation. This tool has been gaining popularity among architects and designers who are interested in working directly with geometry and acoustics. By exchanging models and simulation schemes in Rhino and Grasshopper, Pachyderm allows a new opportunity to collaborate interactively with the design teams in ways that are uniquely informative, and truly innovative. Our experts have applied Pachyderm in discussions regarding key design decisions for the new performing arts facilities at Texas Christian University, South Dakota State University, Texas A&M Kingsville, East Tennessee State University, just to name a few.
Arthur has recently hosted webinars for Performance Network and Thank God, It’s Computational; both webinars were recorded.  For more information, please refer to Arthur’s website
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